Forge cohesion, run out of acceleration, and lead the high quality development of school cause with theme education

学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育开展以来,The Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology closely focuses on the general requirements of "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements",With a high sense of political responsibility and historical mission to grasp the theme of education,Constantly consolidate the ideological foundation of defending the "two establishment" and achieving the "two maintenance",Especially around the important proposition of "why build a first-class university" and "how to build a first-class university",Strive to learn to cast soul, to learn to increase wisdom, to learn positive wind, to learn to promote dry work,We will promote solid and orderly development of thematic education,The learning effect of thematic education is being continuously transformed into a vivid practice of running a world-class university with Chinese characteristics。CCTV News Broadcast, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, Guangming Daily and other mainstream media reported more than 110 times, and the theme education official website reported 15 times, forming a good public opinion atmosphere。

"The combination of the four" to ensure the effectiveness of thematic education



主题教育开展以来,冰球突破党委坚决扛起政治责任,加强组织领导,党委常委会第一时间学习传达习近平总书记重要讲话精神,对主题教育开展进行精心筹备部署。Set up 10 roving guidance groups to strengthen guidance and supervision at the grassroots level。Adhere to theoretical learning, investigation and research, promotion of development, review and rectification, organic integration and integration, vigorously avoid formalism and bureaucracy, and ensure that the theme of education is not out of shape。



The Party committee of the school highlights the leading function of theoretical learning and puts "learning thought" in the first place and as the top priority。Adhere to the original study, timely follow-up study。组织广大党员干部静下心来,读原著学原文悟原理,逐字逐句逐段逐篇精读研读必读书目,跟进学习习近平总书记重要讲话精神。Persist in taking the lead in model study and focus on research。The leadership team takes the lead in learning, walking in front, doing a good demonstration, under the above rate, the school's theoretical learning center group studies first, and the school's two-level leadership thematic reading class is carried out in an orderly manner。Adhere to innovative formal science, full coverage of science。Construction of the Party's innovative theoretical knowledge map, release of monthly work guidance, theoretical study guide for teachers and students, to ensure that the whole school's Party branch theme education theory learning "full coverage, through to the end"。


On June 7, Beijing Institute of Technology carried out a special research on university cultural construction work。

学校党委认真学习践行习近平总书记提出的“深、 实、细、准、效”五字诀,研究制定调研方案,对调研工作统筹系统安排。Insist on leading the research, really find the real problem, and work together to solve the problem。Focus on the main responsibility of the main business, in-depth grassroots precision research, promote the source to solve the problem, through the formulation of special remediation plans, accurate research and remediation。Take the initiative to accept responsibility, solve problems for teachers and students to do practical things。Adhere to research and application, increase the transformation and application of research results, and seriously do a good job of investigation and research "the second half of the article"。We will improve our research style and coordinate research efforts。The establishment and practice of the correct performance concept is implemented in the investigation and research, promote development, review and rectification, and establish rules and regulations。

The school Party committee takes the theme education to lead the right direction, firm ideals and beliefs, build a strong body, temper the excellent style, grasp the major opportunities of the theme education, forge a strong "cohesion", run out of the development "acceleration", and effectively transform the theme results into the actual results of leading and promoting development。It presents the basic characteristics and main experience of "four combinations"。

First, adhere to the ideological and theoretical armed with a close connection with reality。Attach importance to the leading function of ideological and theoretical armament,突出把用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想培根铸魂作为首要政治任务,把深入学习领会习近平总书记关于高等教育领域的相关重要论述作为重中之重,Better use the Party's innovation theory to observe, grasp and lead the construction of first-class universities。

The second is to adhere to the central requirements and encourage grassroots innovation。Accurately understand and grasp the requirements of the central government,Adhere to the "prescribed action" not out of shape,"Optional action" has features,Upon completion of the required actions,Do not frame the base level,Mention only the principles and the results that need to be achieved,Support and encourage grass-roots units to integrate their own realities,We will explore ways to deeply integrate thematic education with grassroots business work。

The third is to adhere to the combination of Party committee demonstration proofing and teachers and students。School Party Committee to strengthen "benchmarking awareness",Stick to the above rate,The secretary of the Party Committee and the president command in front,Lead the school leadership to plan systematically and promote the whole,Team members of each unit strengthen "one position and two responsibilities",Form "look at each level,Grasp the first grade,The work pattern of grasping and implementing at every level,Party members, cadres, teachers and students should be fully organized and mobilized,The process of improving the quality of thematic education will be extended to all aspects and fields of school construction and development。

Fourth, strengthen the combination of improving Party organization building and accelerating high-quality development。The process of grasping the theme education at all levels is regarded as the process of continuously promoting comprehensive and strict party governance and continuously improving the level of grassroots party building ability,Push through the "last mile" of Party building,Primary-level Party organizations will be further built into strong fighting fortresses for propagating the Party's propositions, implementing the Party's decisions, leading primary-level governance, uniting and mobilizing teachers and students, and promoting reform and development,The construction has become a strong center and strong position for the whole school to accelerate the "double first-class" high-quality construction。

Work hard to promote the high quality development of the school

Adhere to independent training, green education, and promote the training of first-class personnel

Improve the work pattern of "big thought and politics", and hold a series of activities for the 20th anniversary of moral education defense with high quality。Implement the plan of "guiding learning thinking and politics" and build a BIT guiding studio on a pilot basis。Held ideological and political work and "three full education" brand creation research meeting, identified 44 work brands, and formed a demonstration and guidance。


On June 16, Beijing Institute of Technology held a seminar on the 20th anniversary of the implementation of moral education defense system and students' ideological and political education in Liangxiang Campus。

We will promote the reform of training top-notch innovative personnel, carry out in-depth discussions on personnel training, and promote the improvement of the quality of personnel training。The implementation rules for the evaluation of key performance indicators (KPI) for personnel training will be revised to strengthen the awareness of responsibility of professional colleges。Formulate the "Measures for the Management of the Construction of Grass-roots Teaching Organizations of Beijing Institute of Technology", and establish and improve various forms of grass-roots teaching organizations for undergraduates。Established the "Union Medical Class" and "Li Zexiang Double Creation Characteristic Class", and successfully declared the major of "Quantum Information Science"。

It has been awarded 13 national teaching achievement awards and 22 national first-class undergraduate courses。To build the BEIT model of smart education, 18 cases were approved as the list of "MOOCs Ten years typical cases", ranking first in the country。Held the national "Challenge Cup" Entrepreneurship plan competition at a high level and won the highest honor of the competition "Challenge Cup"。Won the only gold medal in the first International Space Science and Payload Competition。Science enrollment ranks among the top universities in the country。

Adhere to deepening the mechanism, planting fertile soil, gathering first-class talent team

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Long Teng, President of Beijing Institute of Technology, teaches the First Lesson of Career Navigation for new teachers

Respecting teachers and valuing education has become a common trend. We will further improve the working system and mechanism for the construction of teachers' ideological politics and ethics, and enhance the effectiveness of teachers' ideological politics and ethics。High-level talents formed a "new gathering", and 2 people were selected for the MAO Yisheng Beijing Youth Science and Technology Award。The talent evaluation system will be improved, the guidance of talent evaluation for different positions and types will be clarified, the list of key indicators will be optimized, and multiple evaluation mechanisms combining international peer evaluation and third-party review will be explored。Talent development channels have been continuously optimized, and the integrated development of the new and original systems has been promoted, with the proportion of teachers in the new system reaching 48%。

Adhere to strategic leadership, anchor the frontier, and contribute first-class scientific research achievements

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The lunar sample reception and research launch ceremony was held at the Beijing Institute of Technology

The status of basic research in key areas of the country has been continuously consolidated, and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements has been approved by a number of key projects, ranking first among affiliated universities。The capacity of original innovation and basic research has continued to be enhanced, the expansion of scientific and technological innovation platforms has accelerated, and the country has deeply participated in the construction of four national laboratories, and four national key laboratories have been approved。The front of China's scientific and technological power has been continuously expanded, and 29 major key projects have been approved。The fine liberal arts level has reached a new level, and five major projects of the National Social Science Fund have been approved, ranking third in the country and first in affiliated universities。

Adhere to innovative management, intelligent empowerment, and establish a first-class security system

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Zhang Jun, secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology, visited the construction site of the high school building of the affiliated experimental school

Make overall plans to accelerate the construction, build A "beautiful North Li", promote the construction of Cultural Expo Center and Xinchuang Building A project on schedule, complete the preliminary design of Sunchuang Building C and Ecological Building (B/C/D), Xinchuang Building B and Danfeng Garden D dormitory project design work。Deepen the focus on the special rectification, promote the "livable north", complete the central garden and the main building lawn paving and the Wenzhu Building, the cultural and sports center square and the landscape improvement around the North Lake and other projects, green transformation area of about 3.50,000 square meters;Completed the improvement project of the surrounding environment of No. 4 faculty apartment, and the renovation project of the activity venue and parking lot on the south side of Building 35 in the family District。Integration of innovation management, the construction of "smart north management", a comprehensive online smart logistics infrastructure management system, logistics repair, shuttle service, canteen service and other sets of management systems in one。We will promote cost accounting reform and implement green development under the constraints of limited resource boundaries。High score through the green school creation action standard acceptance。

Adhere to classified development, focus on characteristics, and build a first-class discipline peak


Beijing Institute of Technology optimized the layout of disciplines, and focused on strengthening the construction of basic disciplines such as physics。

Adhere to the connotation of improving quality, excellent and excellent extension, and create a "high precision and urgent lack" discipline。Strengthen top-level design, discuss and promote the construction of Qomolangma and peak disciplines, accelerate the construction of "6+7+2" subject groups, and promote personnel training and scientific and technological innovation capabilities。We will advance the construction of 27 plateau disciplines, focusing on the construction of Mount Everest and peak disciplines。Comprehensively promote "dual-core multi-point" and rely on campus planning to layout discipline construction。The discipline structure is continuously optimized, and the influence of the discipline at home and abroad is steadily increased。Four disciplines have entered the top ranks of the world, 11 disciplines have entered the top ranks of the world, and the information sector is generally in the forefront of the country, with a significant increase in domestic and international influence。

Insist on serving the people, establish a list, do good things to respond to the concerns of teachers and students --

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Zhang Jun, secretary of the Party Committee of the Beijing Institute of Technology, rushed to Liangxiang campus to command and dispatch the southwest region of Beijing after heavy rainfall。

Learning and practicing the "Pujiang experience", carrying out the principal's reception day, dean students face to face exchanges, in-depth exchanges and discussions between teachers and students at the front line, school leaders received and visited 21 times, on-site to promote the solution of problems that teachers and students are concerned about。Form ten practical and good things directly related to the study and life of teachers and students。A system of high-quality teaching materials for graduate students will be laid out,Approved the construction of Sino-US high school international curriculum project,Promote teacher service hall "social services into campus",Construction of Zhongguancun campus student affairs hall,Promote the pilot work of intra-transaction of purchased public housing on campus,Renovation projects such as the replacement of elevators in some apartments of graduate students and the upgrading and updating of electricity meters in dormitory buildings have been started in Zhongguancun Campus,It has achieved practical results in the expansion of high-quality education resources, the construction of "school service - social service" interconnection, and the in-depth promotion of the information construction of "smart Northern Science"。

Adhere to timely planning, practical cooperation, and deepen the first-class opening up pattern

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Beijing Institute of Technology and Peking Union Medical College signed a strategic cooperation agreement

It has reached strategic cooperation with Hebei Province, Anhui Province and Henan Province, signed strategic cooperation agreements with enterprises and institutions such as China Meteorological Administration, CITIC Group and Union Medical College, and was approved as a member of the Civil Aviation Science and Education Innovation Alliance。The connotation construction of school-local cooperation institutions continued to deepen, and the second phase of Chongqing Innovation Center "China Compound Eye" project began。The first phase of the Yangtze River Delta Research Institute project will be completed soon, and the second phase has passed the planning review。Tangshan Research Institute Shen young talent projects out of the province success rate of more than 80%。

The global cooperation relationship has been deepened, and more than 30 new and renewed agreements have been signed with world-renowned universities, and 31 partner universities in Russia have been expanded。International influence significantly increased, launched the "International Year and International Cultural Festival"。The international organization partnership continues to expand, becoming the first institutional partner of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law。The certificate for studying in China has been valid for another eight years, ranking first in the country。

Strengthen inspection and rectification to solve urgent worries and difficulties

Adhere to learning, research, inspection, and rectification,Deepen theoretical learning and application of results,Comprehensively and systematically sort out and seriously promote the solution of a number of key and difficult problems that restrict the development of the school cause, and problems that teachers and students and staff strongly reflect,Review and rectification throughout the whole process of thematic education,Strive to "identify the crux of the problem, rectification and rectification in place"。

Stick the blade inward, find out the outstanding problem。Form a comprehensive and accurate problem list, responsibility list and task list one by one, and list solutions, responsible units, responsible persons and deadlines one by one。Strengthen coordination and coordination, and deepen rectification and rectification。Give full play to the supervision of the school itinerant guidance group and the theme office rectification and rectification group (supervision group), so that the supervision and help one, one rectification, one promotion。We will strictly carry out special rectification to ensure the effectiveness of rectification。We must refrain from formalism and strictly and faithfully promote rectification and rectification。Clear stage objectives, strengthen process management and continue to do a good job of rectification。Adhere to ledger management, project promotion, invoice sales。Persist in improving the mechanism, establish rules and regulations to prevent problems from rebounding。Establish and improve the working mechanism and rules and regulations with clear responsibilities and rights, clear processes and high feasibility, and provide institutional guarantee for the school to carry out high-quality and efficient work in the aspects of party building, personnel training, discipline construction, education and teaching, and team construction。