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Beijing Institute of Technology has a "loud voice" dream team

Original title:Beijing Institute of Technology has a "loud voice" dream team

Original link:http://epaper.gmw.cn/gmrb/html/2020-07/05/nw.D110000gmrb_20200705_1-07.htm


  At the Beijing Institute of Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing Institute of Technology"), there is a "loud voice" dream team。

  It is said that they are a dream team, because the team based on the major needs of the country has repeatedly made miraculous achievements, in the 60th anniversary of the National Day parade, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War parade, to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the army parade, the 70th anniversary of the National Day parade display special vehicles, are equipped with their innovative achievements。

  It is said that they are "loud voices" because they continue to break through in the forefront of science and technology, and every time the results are released, they will shock the "rivers and lakes".。2020年1月10日,他们因最新成果荣膺国家技术发明一等奖,在人民大会堂受到习近平总书记等党和国家领导人的亲切接见。

  They are said to be "loud voices", but also because most of the team members are really "loud voices" and speak loudly。

  This "big voice" dream team is the Beijing Institute of Technology special vehicle transmission theory and technology innovation team led by Xiang Changle, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering。

  1."The back wall does not fall", can only fight

  For vehicles, the transmission system is like the muscles and nerves of the human body, transmitting the power generated by the engine to the wheels, enabling the vehicle to drive flexibly。

  On a global scale, special vehicle transmission technology and devices are the "killer mace" in the struggle between countries, which cannot be learned or bought, and must be self-reliant。In the 1980s, special vehicles in Europe and the United States have been widely equipped with the third generation of hydraulic mechanical integrated transmission systems, while China is still using the second generation of mechanical transmission systems。

  Faced with increasingly fierce global competition, China has no choice but to blaze a path of independent innovation。In the early 1990s, Beijing Institute of Technology, as a core research unit, took the lead in launching a special research on key technologies of the third-generation special vehicle transmission in the country。

  The project suffered a major setback when it was just launched。"Professor Zhu Jingchang, the 58-year-old project leader, unfortunately passed away suddenly due to illness, leaving a lot of unfinished work。Xiang Changle recalled, "Mr. Zhu was my graduate tutor, at that time I was only 27 years old, just graduated from detention for two years, and was thinking about taking a doctoral exam or going abroad.。”

  Do you shun your country for good or ill?At the critical moment when the project is about to be shut down, Xiang Changle, who has been the main assistant of Professor Zhu Jingchang, was appointed at the moment of crisis and resolutely took over the unfinished business of the teacher and devoted himself to the national mission of the research and development of the special vehicle transmission system。

  Aiming at the major needs of the country, thirty years of scientific research as a day, and so began。

  "We have an iron rule in our team, and that is - 'The back wall does not fall'.。Xiang Changle, who has now served as the executive deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the North Institute of Technology, said, "' The back wall does not fall 'means that no matter what happens, the time node for completing the development task cannot be broken through, and the scientific research task must be completed in strict accordance with the plan.。”

  How can you make such "overbearing" demands on scientific research and innovation?

  "Because our research work is urgently needed to serve the country and is part of a major scientific research strategic plan, we must not affect and delay the development process of the entire project because of us.。Xiang Changle said that taking this scientific research task is like taking the next "military warrant", and his life has since entered a completely different track。

  The key technologies and devices of the third-generation special vehicle transmission were a blank in China at that time, and what young Xiang Changle and his team members had to complete was a breakthrough from scratch。"There is no experience to learn from, in order to achieve 'the back wall does not fall', we can only fight against the wall and rely on our own breakthroughs.。"Xiang Changle said。

  "In our team, we must have the spirit of 'career above everything' in order to stick to it.。Xiang Changle stressed that in order to ensure the progress of the project, other things of the team members should be unconditional concessions for scientific research。"White + black" and "Five + two", for them, is the work norm for 30 years。

  At the beginning of the project, after unimaginable hard work, Xiang Changle and his team members "digested" all the materials, manuscripts and drawings left by Professor Zhu Jingchang in a short period of time, ensuring the continuity of scientific research。Through active learning and bold attempts, they made feasibility study plans in a timely manner according to the progress of the project, ensuring the accurate positioning of scientific research。

  In the absence of experience and lack of information, Xiang Changle and his team members focused on innovative ideas, repeatedly demonstrated to find the technical direction, and concentrated on scientific research, which quickly made the performance of the trial-produced products meet the design requirements, laying a solid foundation for subsequent scientific research work。

  This good start has strengthened the confidence and determination of this young team。At the beginning of the 21st century, Xiang Changle led the team after years of hard work and scientific research, finally turned the impossible into the possible, made the dream become a reality, developed a series of hydraulic torque converter products, in the third generation of special vehicles have been comprehensively applied, the results won the second prize of national science and technology progress。

  2.Loud voice is a by-product of scientific research

  "Do you think that the people in our team speak more loudly?Xiang Changle often asks visitors to the laboratory。

  Indeed, members of the team, especially the older ones, speak loudly。

  People usually do not think that their "loud voice" is actually a "by-product" of scientific research.。

  Poor reason to know, to practice the truth。"Our team is not only engaged in theoretical and technical research, but also responsible for equipment research and development。”项昌乐笑道,“习近平总书记强调‘要把论文写在祖国的大地上’,对我们来说,‘祖国的大地’就是‘国家急需的特种车辆装备’。”

  In the laboratories of general university scientific research teams, most of the common kits, microscopes and computers are used。The team led by Xiang Changle, the laboratory is a huge comprehensive test and test equipment, which is fully comparable to the most advanced special vehicle laboratories abroad。

  "Thirty years ago, our experimental conditions were unimaginable。Xiang Changle said that at that time, the experimental research conditions of the team can only be described as "difficult", because there is no special high-power test conditions, all experiments can only be completed on campus。

  "The special vehicle test equipment consumes very much power, and as soon as we do the experiment, the school is located in the Weigong Village area of the jump box power outage.。Professor Ma Biao, who came from the difficult years with Xiang Changle, recalled: "In order to avoid 'stealing electricity' with the surrounding users, we had to do the experiment after 12 o 'clock at night, and worked until dawn, often sleeping on the table with the curtain even if it was a rest.。”

  "When the equipment is running, the noise is very loud。Ma Biao said, "And we often do experiments in the dead of night, in order not to disturb the people, we have to close the doors and Windows as much as possible, so that the noise in the laboratory is greater.。”

  "In order to observe the experimental data, everyone spent a night in the laboratory, and the communication basically relied on 'Shouting'."。Over the years, everyone is not only "loud", but also a little "back" ears.。"Xiang Changle said。

  "To serve the country scientifically is to shine light in the place where the motherland needs it most, to serve the motherland and the people as a mission, not afraid of heavy responsibilities, not afraid of difficulties.。Professor Liu Hui, a member of the team, said, "Teacher Xiang has always asked us to have the mission and responsibility of forging 'killer mace'.。”

  30年来,For critical national needs,Xiang Changle team has made pioneering work in the theoretical research, technological innovation, equipment research and development and application of special vehicle transmission,To achieve two technological leaps in China's special vehicle transmission technology,We have obtained nearly 200 authorized invention patents,The main technical indicators have reached the international leading level,For China to enter the ranks of special vehicles to make outstanding contributions。

  There is an ideal in the heart, and no matter how far the road is at the foot, it will not lose its way。2020年1月10日,三十年如一日奋战在科研一线的团队终于迎来了自己的高光时刻——获得了国家技术发明一等奖的科学桂冠,在人民大会堂受到习近平总书记等党和国家领导人的亲切接见。

  3.It is the patriotic duty of researchers to break the foreign blockade

  In the military parade for the 70th anniversary of the National Day, Beijing Institute of Technology participated in the equipment development of 27 equipment teams and air echelons, ranking first in the number of universities in the country, and attracting attention from all walks of life。However, no one knows what specific contributions the Xiang Changle team has made。

  "In our line of work, it's about being unsung heroes。Xiang Changle said that this is not only because the professional results need to be kept secret, but also because doing a generation of products often takes more than ten or twenty years, "a lifetime to do only one thing is the 'regular life' of team members."。

  In this line of work, you have to endure loneliness。With more than ten years, Xiang Changle's team successfully developed the third-generation special vehicle transmission device, allowing China to catch up with Western countries and achieve autonomy and control in this field。Since then, the team has invested more than ten years to tackle the fourth-generation technology and devices, and has now successfully achieved catch-up, making China among the international first-class in this field, and even ahead of European and American countries in some aspects。

  "Although the road is full of hardships, it is also full of honor。When you know that your research results have influenced China's standing in the world, you will have a sense of responsibility, mission and pride。This is the common aspiration of professors such as Xiang Changle and Ma Biao after 30 years of hand in hand。

  As the years turn, Xiang Changle and Ma Biao's hair is greying, but their team is still young。

  "The scale of our team is rare in universities, with more than 20 members with senior titles, plus young teachers and doctoral masters, a total of nearly 200 members.。Team member Associate Professor Wei Wei introduced that there are more than 80 and 90 members of the team teachers, in addition to special vehicle transmission, we also have their own focused scientific research direction。One by one, the scientific research dreams full of youth continue to take root and sprout in this young team, and continue to bloom gorgeous flowers。

  Ni Jun, a post-90s teacher, focuses on cultivating students' innovation and entrepreneurship。"Relying on our scientific research results, we incubate student innovation teams to participate in the competition。"He introduced,In recent years, the teachers and students have developed a total of 18 scientific and technological innovation works of racing students,He has participated in more than 20 top-level discipline competitions at home and abroad,He has won more than 40 awards at home and abroad, including the national champion of China's "Internet Plus" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the overall champion of China's Formula Student Car Competition, and the top 20 of Germany's Formula Student Car Competition。

  Xu Bin, a post-80s teacher, focused his research on the future of intelligent three-dimensional transportation。He led the team to study the "dual-use" intelligent flying car technology, known as the "black technology" of the Beijing Institute of Technology.。"Intelligent unmanned flying cars based on big data scheduling systems can truly meet the travel needs of future three-dimensional transportation.。He said, "This car has been prototype development, is expected to be put into market use in 2030.。”

  Such a youth story happened in today's Beijing Institute of Technology。Tomorrow, this group of young strivers will rewrite the future of China。

  "Special vehicle equipment is an important tool of the country, and it is the patriotic responsibility of scientific researchers to unswervingly devote themselves to the research of relevant core key technologies.。Xiang Changle said, "We pay great attention to the inheritance of the spirit of patriotic struggle.。No matter how many generations have passed, we must not forget our original aspiration - what we want to accomplish is the mission delivered by the Party and the State, and we must promote the close integration of industry, university and research and continue to achieve leading innovative breakthroughs。”

  On the new Long March, there will be no intermission。习近平总书记强调,“采取更加积极有效的应对措施,在涉及未来的重点科技领域超前部署、大胆探索”。The "loud voice" dream team of the Beijing Institute of Technology is undoubtedly an active practitioner of this concept。

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